Dr. Bryan Watts holds third-year male Bald Eagle
VSO's Virtual Annual Meeting will take place May 5, 2023 at 7 pm .
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Dr. Bryan Watts will give a presentation entitled “Eagles of the Chesapeake”. According to Dr. Watts, the Chesapeake Bay bald eagle breeding population has recovered from fewer than 80 breeding pairs during the early 1970s to more than 3,000 breeding pairs today. During the early years of the crisis, the VSO played a significant role in establishing the annual survey – an effort that continued for more than 60 years. Information from the surveys and many associated projects has painted a magnificent ecological portrait of this iconic species. Dr. Watts will talk about the unique character of the Chesapeake Bay, the recovery of the bald eagle population, and how the ecology of the population has shifted over time.
Dr. Watts is Mitchell A. Byrd Professor of Conservation Biology and Director, Center for Conservation Biology at the College of William and Mary. The author of more than 600 publications on avian ecology and conservation, Watts has studied birds since early childhood in West Virginia where he was mentored by members of the local bird club. He receive an undergraduate degree from Virginia Tech, a masters from William & Mary and a doctorate from the University of Georgia. His research attempts to explore general ecological principles that have broad application.
In addition to Dr. Watts's presentation, the short business meeting will include elections for VSO Board of Directors, recognition of Regional Coordinators for the 2nd Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas, announcement of awards and scholarships, President's Report, and Treasurer's Report.
Read more about our three prospective Board Members HERE.