Support VSO
Photo: Wilson’s Plover, Bob Schamerhorn
Birds not only bring us joy, but they also help us to understand the health and wellbeing of our local ecosystems. When we work toward a deeper understanding of birds, we also work for a deeper understanding of the ways in which we are connected to the natural world on which we all depend.
Ways to Support VSO
You contribution helps VSO continue its important conservation work, funds scientific research publications and help support excellence in scientific study through student scholarships and grants. There are lots of ways to help:
You can also support the publication of the Second Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas by Sponsoring a Species!
Specific VSO Funds
You may choose to direct your gift to a specific VSO fund. Read more about each fund below, and select the fund of your choice on our secure donation and membership forms.
The Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas Project is our biggest current initiative. We are raising funds to publish the enormous amount of volunteer-collected data into a format that informative and easy to use. This publication will be an invaluable resource in guiding future avian conservation efforts.
The Conservation Fund supports conservation efforts in Virginia through grants to worthy candidates conducting research in the field of bird conservation with potential benefits to Virginia species and habitat. This fund also sustains conservation projects across the state, such as the American Kestrel Project, which is fighting back against habitat loss for this iconic species by building next boxes and monitoring bird populations.
The Bramble Hill Conservation Fund supports the care and maintenance of our newly-acquired property in the Blue Grass Valley area of Highland County, VA and Pendleton County, WV. VSO will steward this property by maintaining it as pristine wildlife habitat that is open to birders.
The Scholarships and Student Grants program provides funding opportunities to students engaged in the study of ornithology or conservation that may have specific benefits to Virginia’s birds and their habitat.
The General Fund covers all of the VSO's normal operating expenses including the printing costs of VSO's publications and costs of electronic media, field trips, insurance and awards given at the Annual Meeting.
Give Online
Use our secure online form to make a donation.
Send a Check
Please make checks out to Virginia Society of Ornithology and mail to:
P.O. Box 5994
Williamsburg, VA 23188
American Redstart, Dixie Sommers
How Money is Used
Thank you for supporting the Virginia Society of Ornithology.
Your gifts and membership dues help us to fund grants and scholarships for outstanding candidates conducting research in the field of bird conservation that benefits Virginia species and habitats, create our scientific publications and support conservation projects, outreach and education in our state. Every donation helps protect Virginia’s birds!