VSO Award Recipients
Photo: Savannah Sparrow, Dixie Sommers
Jackson M. Abbott Conservation Award Winners
1973: The U. S. Coast Guard for its preservation of Osprey nests on navigational aids.
1974: Persons responsible for recent legislation strengthening the protection of birds of prey in Virginia.
1975: Philip Shelton for his efforts to persuade the Commonwealth of Virginia to institute effective strip-mining controls.
1976: North Carolina Governor and Legislature for its efforts to protect the New River against a pump-storage hydroelectric project.
1977: Dennis Holland for his efforts to maintain the integrity of the National Wildlife Refuge system.
1978: The Virginia Chapter of the Nature Conservancy for its work in preserving the barrier islands of the Virginia Eastern Shore.
1979: Mitchell A. Byrd for his work on endangered species in Virginia.
1980: Jackson M. Abbott for his work on conservation of the Bald Eagle.
1981: Citizens for Southwest Virginia for their effort to insure that development of the Mount Rogers Recreation area would not impact the natural beauty of the area.
1982: Walter E. Feurer for his work at the Cheatham Annex and his efforts in environmental protection.
1983: Margaret O’Bryan for her efforts on behalf of the non-game tax bill.
1984: John Fulton for his work at Kerr Reservoir to improve wildlife habitat.
1985: Sylvia Ann Brugh for her opposition to the Burke’s Dam Project and efforts leading to Scenic River designation for that section of the river.
1986: Susan B. Haines for her work to protect the Bald Eagle population at Mason Neck.
1987: Henry Bashore for his enthusiasm, leadership, and efforts to establish conservation awareness on the Northern Neck.
1988: Ed Risley for his active participation on committees to preserve Assateague, Dyke Marsh, Mason Neck, and Huntley Meadows.
1989: Norma Hoffman and Citizens Alliance to save Huntley Meadows for significant contributions to preserve habitat and promote public awaremess.
1990: Gary Fraser and Karen Mayne of the USFWS for their efforts to protect Bald Eagle habitat along the James River.
1991: Ken Howard for his many efforts to preserve Huntley Meadows Park.
1992: no award given.
1993: Porter Kier for his work in habitat protection on the Northern Neck.
1994: AMOCO Corporation Yorktown Refinery for their local conservation efforts.
1995: Barry Kinzie for his work with habitat preservation at Woodpecker Ridge.
1996:Craney Island Dredge Materials Management Facility for its work in promoting shorebird habitat and protecting sensitive nesting areas.
1997: Virginia Department of Transportation Pine Chapel Unitwhich manages the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel for cooperating to protect nesting habitat for Black Skimmers and Common Terns.
1998: Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Commission for their cooperation in facilitating access for bird study.
1999: James W. Waggener for his work in helping to establish the Occoquan Refuge.
2000: Robert Bloxom, delegate from the Eastern Shore, for his work in promoting conservation.
2001: no award given.
2002: Non-Game Division of the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries for work in promoting conservation and public awareness of birds.
2003: Kiptopeke State Park for their work in preservation of habitat and cooperation in bird studies.
2004: Virginia Coastal Reserve for coordinating with Wallops Island in the use of radar equipment set up on the Eastern Shore to monitor bird migration.
2005: no award given
2006: no award given
2007: Center for Conservation Biology
2008: Radford Army Ammunition Plant
2009: Virginia Field Office of the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
2010: Larry & Thrye Valade
2011: no award given
2012: Stephen Eccles
2013: Larry Cartwright
2014: no award given
2015: Larry Wright
2017: Rick Webb for his work in the preservation of ecosystems in the mountains of western Virginia
2018: no award given
2019: Lance and Jill Morrow for their work on raptors including Barn Owls and American Kestrels in the Shenandoah Valley
2020: Coastal Virginia Wildlife Observatory
2021: no award given
2022: Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources - Becky Gwynn
2023: no award given
Mitchell A. Byrd Award Winners
2012: Dan Cristol - William & Mary
2013: Bryan Watts - William & Mary
2014: James (Jim) Fraser - Virginia Tech
2015: Dana Hawley - Virginia Tech
2016: No Recipient
2017: Dr. Sarah Karpanty - Virginia Tech
2018: Lesley Bullock - Virginia Commonwealth University
2019: no award presented
2020: no award presented
2021: no award presented
2022: no award presented
2023: Charles Ziegenfus
James Eike Service Award Winners
Jackson Abbott
Robert Ake
J. William Akers
John Bazuin
Ruth Beck
Edward ‘Ned’ Brinkley
Wesley Brown
Mitchell Byrd
Thelma Dalmas*
John Dalmas
Anton Decker
John Dillard
Andrew Dolby
James (& Claire) W. Eike* for whom award is named
Linda Fields
Charlotte Friend
Charles Hacker
David Hughes
Enoch Johnson
Teta Kain
YuLee Larner
Larry Lynch
John Mehner
Clair Mellinger
Dorothy Mitchell*
Myriam Moore*
Bill Opengari
Jackie Parton
Richard Peake
Sue Ridd
Stephen Rottenborn
Alan Schreck
Frederic Scott*
Dot Silsby
Walter Smith
Peggy Spiegel
Sue Thrasher
Jerry Via
Robert J. Watson*
Bill Williams
Grace Wiltshire
Jo Wood
2017: Wendy Ealding and Meredith Bell
2018: Arun Bose
2019: Patti Reum
2020: Shirley Devan and David Youker
2024: Lee Adams
* indicates the names of those initial recipients who received the awards at the 1984 meeting.
Myriam P. Moore Service Award Winners
1983: Myriam Moore
2006: Thelma Dalmas
2007: Teta Kain
2019: Robert Ake
2024: Jerry Via and Bill Akers
How can you help?
Funding for our Scholarships and Grants comes from the VSO Conservation Fund. Help keep the future of ornithology in Virginia bright by becoming a VSO member or making a contribution to the Conservation Fund.